“It is a true saga of the sea. A saga that had its humble beginnings in the early part of the 20th century and has come a long way to become one of the largest and oldest frozen seafood processing and exporting companies in India. It is an odyssey that has touched many continents and is still voyaging to greater success.Our seafood processing factories are strategically located in Mumbai on the West Coast, Visakhapatnam on the East Coast having access to the freshest source of sea caught and farmed products. All our facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art cooking and freezing lines, and adhere to the best sanitary and quality standards as expected and accepted in the global food industry.”
In the early half of the 20th Century, Mr. Yousef Yakob Sait belonged to a trading community that migrated from Kutch in the state of Gujarat in India, an area ravaged by famine. He then took a plunge and set up a business of Dried Shrimp Export in the land of abundance and pristine nature in Cochin, Kerala. Then, he began exporting small quantities of shrimp to the colonial countries of Burma (Myanmar) and Singapore. Times were not easy for Mr. Elias, his determination to fulfill commitments with integrity, he successfully established a relationship with the customers and suppliers. He gained the trust of his business partners by attending to all their needs which first contributed to the success of the business.
In the year 1961, his eldest son Y.M. Elias pioneered the export of Canned and Frozen Shrimp from India. He then began the process of building and operating from modern factories which was a rare phenomenon in that era. This visible trait to embrace technology and innovation is the hallmark of the Seasaga Group.
Notably, in the year 1971, in London, United Kingdom Mr. Y.M Elias, became the first Indian Seafood businessman to set up an International Import & Distribution company in the developed western world. He initiated promoting and selling Indian Seafood throughout Europe and even today, Seasaga Group continues to do so.Apart from Europe and the United Kingdom, our group has marked its presence in the United States of America,The Middle and Far East as well as Australia.
In his long and illustrious career, Mr. Y.M. Elias was Vice-Chairman of The Marine Export Promotion Council of India which is a Government body to ensure the development & promotion of the seafood Industry in India. He was also assigned as the President of the Seafood Exporters Association of India and won several accolades including President’s Medal for outstanding Export performance in the year 1969-70. Adding to his acclamations, he has also been honoured with a lifetime special Award by the Marine Products Export Development Authority of India for his contributions to the Indian Seafood Industry.
Today, Seasaga is valued at an estimate of INR 4 Billion. (USD 50 Mil.) annually. We operate from four different factories, two based out of Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, and Vizag,Visakhapatnam.Apart from the four Modern Factories, we are also involved with a range of ancillary companies, engaged in several aspects of the Food industry. Some of our varied business ventures include –
- International Trading of Food Commodities.
- Food Additive, Preservative & Flavoring Distribution.
- Wholesaling in Equipment and Tableware for the Food Service Industry.
- Import and Distribution of Engineering goods for the Fishing and Farming Sector.
- Film Production
- Hospitality
OUR vision
OUR mission
We are dedicated to providing our customers with the freshest and highest quality and affordable seafood products sourced – adhering to sustainable and responsible fishing practices.
Commitment and trust, quality assurance, innovation, customer satisfaction
OUR Directors
With over 30 years of experience, Mr. Ehjaz Elias has been the guiding force in steering the Seasaga group. He has been mentored and guided by his late father Mr. Y. M. Elias, who was a torchbearer in establishing the business. Mr. Ehjaz Elias accelerated the economic growth, by expanding his network in the seafood export business. He is known to be a very enterprising man and is one of the main reasons for the group’s branching out into varied business ventures. He is always one to come up with the freshest ideas and make it a reality. From being a pioneer in the seafood industry to expanding into hospitality, he has come a long way. Along with this, he is responsible for maintaining relationships with our clients in London along with building more.
Mr. MK Navas is often referred to as the ‘backbone’ of Seasaga. He is the driving force binding our business empire. Hard work and attention to detail are some of his core values.Regardless of the fact that he is based out of Navi Mumbai, he is always on the move whether it’s attending to his clientele or participating in seafood exhibitions,no matter which part of the world.He always marks his presence which reflects his determination and perseverance for our business. He is inclined to make his contribution to society,he took the opportunity in the pandemic to demonstrate his drive by founding care4mumbai, an NGO which provided for the poor and needy citizens in India.
Managing Director
Based out of Dubai, Mr. Shabaz Elias comes with an immense amount of experience in his hand. With a passion for business and networking, he has contributed in a multitude of ways like introducing our products in the UAE and drawing clients from the Middle East. He’s taken major responsibility in contributing to our annual sales through his excellent communication skills ensuring utmost customer satisfaction which is a core value in our organization. Mr. Shabaz Elias is also known to be a ‘people’s person’ and is always on the lookout for emerging business opportunities. Due to his versatility and passion for business, he is also a co-owner of a cricket team in the UAE.